Firetail® Fellowship
get a full Firetail License for your Project

What you get
Accepted projects will receive a full Firetail license and access to our expert support for up to one year

What you need
A decent idea for a student project or an ongoing project in the scope of
- movement ecology
- animal tracking
- conservation
Other field of work? Let us know!
Eligible for students, PhD candidates, recent PhDs and non-profit organisation associates. If your project is backed by sufficient 3rd party or institutional funding to cover Firetail, we ask you to be fair and file a request there first.
What we need
- an abstract of 250 to 400 words explaining the core idea, novelty, impact
- 1-2 figures explaining your ideas (optional)
- few references to related work providing scientific context
Please include an affiliation, start and end date and supervisors (if applicable) for the project
Language: English or German
The last iteration of Firetail Fellowships 2023 is over, yet feel free to contact us on current opportunities!
Firetail Fellowships is looking for patrons
Would you like to actively participate in providing early-stage scientists and great conservation projects with access to cutting-edge software?
Contact us and enter into a scientific partnership. Help to address the most pressing conservation challenges!

movement analysis and visualization for wild animal research